Health & Fitness

Sun Protection Cycling Clothing – Your Essential Guide to Avoiding Sunburn
Summer cycling is usually considered the best time to get out on the road, but it also comes with the challenge of protecting your skin

Average Cycling Speed for Beginners – What to Target?
Average cycling speed for beginners will of course vary depending on a few factors, namely individual fitness levels, terrain, type of bike, and cycling experience.

Pregnancy and Cycling – What Should I Know?
Pregnancy and cycling are not a combination often discussed. However, expecting mothers who are keen on maintaining their active lifestyle often have an interest in

Cycling Barefoot – Yay or Nay?
Cycling barefoot is not the most common sight when you’re out for a ride. Still, like many “new age” trends, you will find folks advocating

Butt Hurts After Biking – How can I avoid this?
Picture the scene – you just returned from a nice ride. The weather is perfect and the birds are chirping. You have a sudden realization;

How Can You Get in Shape Before Taking up Cycling?
Wondering how you can get in shape before taking up cycling? While jumping on a bike and riding short distances does not require special training,