Cycle Seekers


pregnancy and cycling

Pregnancy and Cycling – What Should I Know?

Pregnancy and cycling are not a combination often discussed. However, expecting mothers who are keen on maintaining their active lifestyle often have an interest in understanding the pros and cons. While cycling generally offers many health benefits, it raises concerns regarding safety for both the mother and the developing fetus. Like any form of exercise during pregnancy, expecting mothers should weigh the risks and benefits. Importantly, we advise consulting with a healthcare provider before continuing or starting a cycling routine as every person’s situation is unique.

Pregnancy and Cycling Risks

One of the primary concerns is the risk of falling. Pregnant women may experience changes in balance due to a shifting center of gravity as the pregnancy progresses, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Falls from a bicycle can result in injuries that could jeopardize the health of both the mother and the baby.

Cycling on rough terrain or in high-traffic areas poses additional risks. Potholes, uneven surfaces, or sudden stops can increase the chances of falls or collisions, potentially causing trauma to the abdomen. Additionally, prolonged periods of cycling, especially in a forward-leaning position, may lead to discomfort or exacerbate existing pregnancy-related issues such as back pain or pelvic floor dysfunction.

Pregnancy and Cycling Benefits

Despite these risks, many healthcare providers agree that cycling can be safe during pregnancy, provided certain precautions are taken. Generally, if a woman was regularly cycling before becoming pregnant and has a low-risk pregnancy without any complications, she may be able to continue cycling with some modifications. However, it is crucial to listen to one’s body and adjust the intensity and duration of cycling sessions accordingly.

Key Pregnancy and Cycling Considerations

Consultation with Healthcare Provider

Before engaging in any physical activity during pregnancy, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider. They can provide personalized advice based on your health status and pregnancy progression.

Choosing Safe Routes

Opt for smooth, flat surfaces away from heavy traffic. Cycling paths or stationary bikes may offer safer alternatives to outdoor cycling.

Adjusting Bike Setup

Ensure the bike is properly adjusted for comfort and safety. This may involve raising the handlebars to reduce forward leaning and adjusting the seat height for optimal leg extension.

Wearing Protective Gear

Wearing a properly fitting helmet and supportive footwear can offer added protection in case of falls.

Hydration and Nutrition

Staying hydrated and consuming nutritious snacks before and after cycling sessions is important to support both maternal and fetal well-being.

Listening to Your Body

Paying attention to signs of fatigue, dizziness, or discomfort and taking breaks as needed is crucial. Avoid overexertion and prioritize rest when necessary!


Pregnancy and cycling aren’t such a scary combination if the proper precautions are taken. Each woman’s situation is unique, and it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine whether cycling is suitable during your pregnancy. Expecting mothers can enjoy the benefits of cycling while minimizing potential risks to themselves and their babies by paying heed to these precautions.