Cycle Seekers


average cycling speed for beginners

Average Cycling Speed for Beginners – What to Target?

Average cycling speed for beginners will of course vary depending on a few factors, namely individual fitness levels, terrain, type of bike, and cycling experience. There are some general benchmarks that can provide insight into what beginners might expect (and what they should aim for). Let’s discuss.

Need for Speed?

For most new cyclists, their initial speeds unsurprisingly tend to be more modest. On flat ground with no significant headwinds or other obstacles, beginners often find themselves cycling at an average speed ranging from 10 to 14 miles per hour (16 to 22 kilometers per hour). This pace allows them to get comfortable with the mechanics of pedaling, steering, and balancing while gradually building up endurance and confidence on the bike.

It’s very important in our opinion for beginners to focus more on developing proper cycling techniques and handling skills vs. fixating on speed. As you become more familiar with your bike and gain experience on the road, average speeds will improve gradually. Time on the road along with a consistent training regimen will contribute to this progress over time.

From a safety perspective, it’s essential for beginners to prioritize riding at a comfortable and manageable pace. Pushing too hard too soon will increase the risk of accidents or injuries, especially if cyclists are not yet accustomed to handling their bikes or reacting to unexpected situations on the road (see our articles on cycling rain strategies as well as night riding). Maintaining a moderate speed allows beginners to stay in control and react appropriately to changes in traffic, road conditions, or other external factors.

The Endurance Factor

Cycling at a reasonable pace is also beneficial for building endurance and cardio fitness. While high-intensity rides will definitely be effective for improving performance, beginners should focus on establishing a solid foundation of fitness and gradually increasing the intensity and duration of their rides over time. Consistency and patience are key principles in developing long-term cycling fitness and avoiding burnout or overuse injuries. How you feel and being in tune with your body is an important barometer to pay attention to early on.


As beginners progress in their cycling journey and gain more experience and confidence, they will naturally find themselves cycling at higher speeds. It’s essential to remember that cycling is not just about speed but also about enjoying the ride, exploring new routes, and connecting with fellow cyclists. Finding a pace that feels comfortable and sustainable is paramount for cyclists of all levels. Ultimately, the ideal speed for beginners is one that allows them to ride safely, enjoyably, and in a manner that supports their long-term cycling goals. Enjoy your time on the road and focus on the basics first!

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